Upcoming Classes & Events


Esoteric Tarot
Summer 2019

An in depth course designed to fully immerse oneself in the esoteric journey of the Tarot. Understand the universal symbols and archetypes through a process of awakening them within the self: it's phases, teachers, transformations, and victories weaving together to make a whole. Materials optionally provided. Open to all levels.

Intuitive Development
Intro Intensive: Spring 2019

Courses designed to enhance your strengths in  intuition, and stretch into other gifts. Classes include Grounding and Energy Management, Past Lives, Connecting with Guides, Medical Intuition and Shadow Work.

Reiki 1
Summer 2019

Reiki 3 is in session at The Reiki School + Clinic

Reiki 1, the foundation of the practice, is now open for registration